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News > Alumni News
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I was slightly anxious about coming back for the first time in 50 years but the whole tone of the day was fantastic. More...

The highlight has to be when we all sat at our desks in 4a overlooking “the house of ill repute” 70 years on from when Tony Stocks was our form master… More...

First, when you go through trauma your world shrinks as quite naturally you want to return to a place of safety. Usually the sofa. Running helped me g… More...

Tom Jeavons (current staff) pictured with OWs Kay-Anne Ng, Andy Li and Nic Anderson (Head).

WGS connections are everywhere! Tom Jeavons (Assistant Head of Offley & Teacher of Chemistry) went to the University of Birmingham with Andy Li (OW 20… More...

Keith Griffiths (OW 1968) and Clive Fletcher (OW 1973) pictured with Nic Anderson

Our 'Drop in and Chat' days have been a huge success this year and we will be continuing with these as we move into the next academic year.  More...

Elliott on Coast to Coast 2012 (running gurus Dr Bradley and JJ in background)

Alumnus Elliott McDowell (OW 2015) is running a half marathon on behalf of social mobility charity CoachBright to support disadvantaged pupils in the … More...

The Lifetime Achievement Award goes to…Glyn Thomas (OW 1959) More...

We always enjoy welcoming OWs back to School and for most, we often find it is their first visit since the final bell rang on their time at school. More...

We are delighted to announce that this year, our talented Lower School actors will be performing The Chrysalids. More...

Flashback Friday to our Northern Reunion a week ago at The Hop in Leeds More...

Over 140 OWs spanning 9 decades gathered in Big School for the OWA Annual Dinner. More...

The sun shone on the Class of 1999 as they returned to School for their 25-year reunion! More...

Thank you to OWs Ollie, Mitchell, Jordan, Chris, Alicia and Josh for attending and supporting WGS' Careers & Networking Fair. More...

Andy pictured with JJ, Kingy and daughter Emily

It is nearly 25 years since Andy Fleet OW 2000 last walked through the School gates. More...

Dudley Paediatric Virtual Ward led by OW invited to Buckingham Palace More...

A huge thanks to Jai Kanda (OW 2023) who came to speak to Med Society. More...

WGS celebrates urban photography in memory of Keith Powell (OW 1948) More...

Aaron Johal OW 2017 (middle)

When you are next in Merry Hill Shopping Centre, why not pop along and grab a coffee from Aaron Johal (OW 2017). More...

James Nepaulsingh (1998) and Ian Powell (OW1981)

Our Wulfrunian article OWs Around the World has done exactly what we wanted it to do! More...

Could you represent your workplace and career sector with a stand at WGS' biggest careers event of the year? More...

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